Redecorating and some recent Art

It’s been a while since my last post and I’ve changed things up a bit around here. Since I decided to not take new clients this year, I realized I really don’t have to provide a portfolio of my marketing services, and decided instead to focus on sharing my art. I’m going to try to get a little better at uploading new work, but here are a few pieces that I’ve worked on lately.

I started a new sketchbook in January with a quick trip to the South Coast Botanic Garden, practically in my backyard, to sketch some of the blooming succulents. I’ve decided that even if I’m not happy with the finished product, I’m after progress not perfection, and everything counts as progress and practice.

My friend Anne, who I met last year when I took a watercolor basics class at Art Supply Warehouse and has a watercolor retreat business, Eat Paint Live, has occasional get-togethers locally. We met at Bolsa Chica Wetlands a couple of weeks ago and of course I had to paint the bridge.

I was back at the South Coast Botanic Garden last month (the 3rd Tuesday is free, but I’m thinking I’m just going to join already!) and never realized they have a very sweet, small Japanese Koi Pond & Garden just to the right of the entrance. It was so peaceful here and I know I’ll be back to sketch this spot again.

I was meeting my friend Sabine for dinner in Long Beach a couple of weeks ago and always use this as an opportunity to find a cool place to sketch. The weekend before, Scott & I were driving to meet a friend for dinner and drove past Island White off Ocean Boulevard and I tucked it away for later sketching. We were in the middle of some really wild weather and it was so cold, with a blowing wind. I didn’t last long outside, but at least it was clear and beautiful!